Kaksikomponenttinen kiinteä muovikehys
Joustava, kaksoiskumiraita kaareville auton ikkunoille
Sisäinen kierre jatkovarsille
Koko: 21 cm / 8"
24 kappaletta / laatikko
Viite = 76320
Double action: scrub & dry
Bristles of the brush are fused on the frame - no holes that can harbour bacteria
With GREEN natural Dura-flex Rubber
Green Dura-Flex rubber is recommended when hygiene is extremely important.
Ideal for applications within a HACCP system
Unique universal handle socket
Available in 5 colors (blue, green, white, yellow and red)
Available in 35cm/14", 45cm/18" and 55cm/22"
Logistic information
10 pcs / box