Belgia, Gent
...{"Maximum number of participants: 350":"Osallistujien enimmäismäärä: 350","The meal itself is a four-course dinner, richly washed down (that’s how they used to describe it in those days) with as much beer and wine as you can drink. But it’s not just about food. During the meal, you will be feasting your eyes and ears on the entertainment and the atmosphere.":"Itse ateria on neljän ruokalajin...
Portfolio (49)
Belgia, Huy
... parts (with no minimum quantity) as well as delivery. A flexible and adaptable company, it has an extremely quick response capability so that the customer can find a complete purchasing package with them and have everything delivered in a single supply. For Iron Sale Europe, every customer is unique. The focus on people, stock, service, expertise, and respect for the customer are the main strengths of this company! Your Belgian partner in cast iron, brass, copper, aluminum, stainless steel, bronze, synthetic materials, sintered bronze, as well as many other products.
Belgia, Wilrijk
ORGANI, Your Prof-IT. Organi, toiminut vuodesta 1977, on kasvanut johtavaksi IT-toimijaksi Belgian markkinoilla. Keskitymme kaikkien hallinnollisten prosessien automatisointiin neljällä markkinasegmentillä: oikeusvirastot, tilitoimistot, kauppayritykset ja logistiikkapalvelut. IT-kumppanina Organi tarjoaa monille kansallisille ja kansainvälisille asiakkailleen parasta palvelua sektorikohtaisen tiedon ja kokemuksen, modernin teknologian ja optimaalisen saavutettavuuden perusteella.
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