Suomi, Helsinki
The Finnish innovation that allows a single person to handle a 30 ton shipping container. Operating since 2012, ConFoot shipping container support legs are the most lightweight and cost effective container handling solutions on the market today. The high strength steel struts (weighing only 24 kg) can be fitted to any ISO shipping container corner casting in a matter of minutes. Once fitted, a...
Portfolio (2)
Suomi, Espoo
... the solution benefits can be attributed to more than just the software. Offering a comprehensive support package and a dedicated team of experts, Ecolane ensures that the transition to our platform is smooth, effective, and delivers your desired results.
Suomi, Turku
... convey your brand’s voice and connect deeply with your global customers, your translation vendor must deliver truly human, fluid, language-and-location-specific translation services. Our in-house team and our network of professional international translators are here to help you develop effective solutions that will strongly resonate with your country-specific audiences. Accelingo can help with...
... up-to-date and advanced studies and practices in the international arena in the hospital equipment sector, to produce at high quality standards, to provide effective after-sales service and to lead the innovations in the sector.":"Yrityksemme tavoitteena on seurata alan viimeisimpiä ja edistyneimpiä tutkimuksia ja käytäntöjä kansainvälisellä sairaalavarusteiden kentällä, tuottaa korkealaatuisia tuotteita, tarjota tehokasta jälkimarkkinapalvelua ja johtaa alan innovaatioita.","Our vision:":"Visiomme:"}...
Portfolio (4)
Tanska, Copenhagen
... omistama osakeohjelma. Rakenne: Tasainen organisaatio. Rajoitettu byrokratia. Tytäryhtiömme: Heimdal A/S, Defendas A/S, Agile Response Technologies A/S ja Fraud Decision Sciences A/S. Arvomme: Ole vastuullinen. Ole kunnioittava. Ole ennakoiva. Ole positiivinen. Visiomme: To deliver effective cyber security solutions for the benefit of customers worldwide. Tehtävämme: Taata asiakkaidemme kyberturvallisuusinvestointien tuotto minimoimalla heidän altistumisensa kyberuhille.
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta, Oxford
Yritysviihde, Muut viihdetoiminnat, joita ei ole luokiteltu muualla...

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