Suomi, Hamina
For almost 15 years COOLTECH company successfully produces, supplies and performs service works of industrial compressor machinery and refrigeration equipment (compressor units, chillers, plate freezers, pump circulation stations, vessels, control and power boards etc). The product range includes all kinds of key components and spare parts of industrial refrigeration systems. At our production plants we also produce repair works, upgrade and retrofit of defective or used equipment with the replacement of compressors, electric motors and other components of refrigeration machines and units.
Turkki, Tekirdag
... vuoden takaisinmaksuajalla.","Sectors we serve":"Palvelualueet","Our vision":"Visiomme","FonoxMakine's vision is to offer stretch machines that are durable and have less stretch film consumption than similar ones; Reduces users' dependency on spare parts; The aim is to minimize the use of stretch, which is one of the permanent expense items.":"FonoxMakinen visio on tarjota kestäviä pakkauskoneita...
Portfolio (6)
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta, London
... tarjoaa varaosatoimituksia kaikille hissille, liukuportaille ja liukuportayksiköille. ETC Varaosat toimittaa säännöllisesti varaosia kaikille hisseille, liukuportaille, liukuportaille, asuin- ja liiketiloille, erityisprojekteille, ostoskeskuksille, sairaaloille kohtuulliseen hintaan ja...

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