... 50 maassa palvelu- ja myyntiyhtiöiden kautta. Konserni palvelee asiakkaita koneenrakennuksesta, autoteollisuudesta, ilmailu- ja maatalousalalta ja saavuttaa vuosittain yli 100 miljoonan euron liikevaihdon. Lisätietoja www.roemheld.de tai seuraa meitä sosiaalisessa mediassa: YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/RoemheldGruppe LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/roemheld Xing: www.xing.com/pages/roemheldgruppe Instagram: www.instagram.com/roemheld_gruppe/...
Portfolio (203)
Italia, Verona
Studio Righini, osoite Piazza Cittadella, 13, on tilitoimisto ja tilintarkastajien toimisto. Studio keskittyy company law -lainsäädäntöön ja erityisiin liiketoimiin, yritysverotukseen, verotukselliseen puolustukseen, yritysjärjestelyihin ja kriisiavustukseen, varallisuuden ja wealth advisory -neuvontaan, hallinnolliseen complianceen, oikeudelliseen ja sopimusneuvontaan, luottamustoimintaan...
Portfolio (49)
... kilpailukykyiset hinnat tuotteillemme ja palveluillemme. Palvelemme sekä paikallista markkinaa että kansainvälistä vientiä, käsitellen yksinomaan aitoja tuotteita hyvin tunnetuilta brändeiltä, kuten The Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo, Redbull, Ferrero, Craft, Unilever ja muilta.
Portfolio (97)
Suomi, Vantaa
...Satotukku was established in 1967 in Helsinki, Finland and we have grown to be one of the country's largest vegetable and fruit importers and wholesalers. Since the very beginning, the company has been importing fruits and vegetables from different countries in Europe and overseas, such as Brazil, Argentina, South Africa etc. Satotukku imports high quality fresh fruit and vegetables. Satotukku...
... full-cycle support from idea to finished product, including assistance with material and technology selection and engineering support. Key principles: Transparency and support at every stage: UMETALLI guarantees full transparency and support at all stages of the production process. Saving time and money: The company uses algorithms to quickly estimate the cost of orders and offers savings of up to...
Portfolio (1)
Suomi, Turku
... Company, Foratia Europe OU Supplies Edible Oils And Frozen Products To More Than 100 Countries Around The Globe. We Are Mainly Active In Europe, Africa, Asia, Middle East, South America, And The Caribbean. We Deliver Our Services And Products To Our Customers In The Following Food Sectors: Manufacturers, Commodity Wholesalers, Foodservice Distributors And Serving Retailers. We Are Renowned For Being...
Portfolio (177)
Tšekki, Jihlava
IEG S.R.O. on tšekkiläinen dynaamisesti kehittyvä yritys, jolla on viidenkymmenen vuoden perinteet ja joka erikoistuu teräksestä ja valuraudasta valmistettujen tarkkuusvalujen tuotantoon kaikista rautaseoksista, mukaan lukien seokset ja pintakäsittelyt. Toimitamme myös säännöllisesti työpalasia ja jo koottuja kokoonpanoja. Valamme yli 60 erilaista Fe-pohjaista materiaalia. Asetamme korkeita vaatimuksia laadulle, tarkkuudelle ja innovaatioille. Yrityksellämme on johtoa, jolla on kokemusta globaalin öljykonsernin Sun Oil Company - SUNOCO edustamisesta. Ota yhteyttä tiimiimme!
Espanja, Sarrià De Ter-Girona
... on suunnattu eri sektoreille, erityisesti ravintola- ja vähittäiskauppaan. Suuret yritykset ja monikansalliset yhtiöt luottavat GironaPaperin ratkaisuihin sen merkittävän tuotantokapasiteetin vuoksi. Asiakaskuntaamme kuuluu nimiä kuten Inditex, Hacendado, Kiabi, Fnac, Pans & Company ja 100 Montaditos, muiden muassa. Tarjoamme lisäksi kysynnän mukaan valmistettavia kassi-malleja, ja...
Suomi, Helsinki
... replace the container on the truck. The possibilities for enhancing, streamlining and reducing costs in a supply chain are vast. Empowering smaller companies, and providing unparalleled flexibility to larger scale businesses, ConFoot legs have been put to use in a wide range of different industries. From freight forwarders, harbours and removals companies, to retailers, manufacturers and even the armed forces. Direct delivery to a provided address can be provided. Further information can be found on the ConFoot company website. ...
Portfolio (2)
Suomi, Hyvinkää
IIIIK INTO OY IS A NORDIC DESIGN AND INNOVATION COMPANY SPECIALIZED​IN EXPERIMENTAL, EXCLUSIVE FIRE RETARDANT CONTRACT TEXTILES IIIIK fire retardant contract collection is specialized in marine, hotel, restaurant and health care interior fabric solutions.The core of IIIIK collection comes from the combination of carefully selected fire retardant materials and functional, experimental design which...
Suomi, Helsinki
...D&D Invest is a Finnish company specializing in recruiting of experienced and professional personnel and mediating workers to other agencies since 1995. At the moment we have contracts all around Europe.
Suomi, Helsinki
Priceff Ltd is a technology company that offers a disruptive auto-dynamic pricing solution. Priceff’s mission is to enhance profitability of our customers by maximizing their revenue and eliminating resource waste. This happens by influencing consumer behavior with optimal pricing. Priceff offers the unique adaptive pricing solution for several fast growing segments. The segments include product pricing for retail as well as capacity limited services and reservations. For more information, please visit www.priceff.com...
Portfolio (1)
Suomi, Jyväskylä
C2 SmartLight Oy, founded in 2004, is a rapidly growing expert company specialising in outdoor lighting. With our products, population centres and industrial areas can be lit at the desired times, in the desired places, and with suitable power. C2 is the market leader for intelligent control solutions for lighting in population centres.The outdoor lighting for dozens of cities, towns...
Suomi, Helsinki
Driving growth for valued brands Arho Foods is a family-owned company with decades of experience from the Finnish retail and HoReCa-sectors. We are specialized in high-quality groceries and on-the-go-products and are extremely proud to represent the outstanding brands of our principals. We are also known for our own long-standing brands – some of them have been manufactured for over 70 years and...
WVS Versand Service on kumppanisi pakkaamisessa, lähetyksessä, keräilyssä, konfiguroinnissa ja logistiikassa. Tä thanks our fulfillment concept, we can relieve you as a company. Tarjontamme täydentää tarvetta tehostaa logistiikkaprosessejasi, jotta kaikki tilaukset voidaan käsitellä ajallaan ja asiantuntevasti. Tarjoamme kaikki yleiset vaihtoehdot: lähetys, lyhytaikainen varastointi tai...
Portfolio (18)
Italia, San Donato Milanese
IQS on tarkastusyritys, joka tarjoaa monenlaisia, erittäin ammattimaisia palveluja teollisuusasennusmaailmaan. Yritys on lopputulos ideasta, joka on saanut inspiraationsa kunnianhimoisista, yleisesti jaetuista ihanteista, kokemuksesta ja saavutettavista tavoitteista, uusista taidoista ja erikoistumisista. IQS:n työntekijät työskentelevät ja koulutetaan jakamaan osaamista, uusia ideoita ja taitoja,...
Suomi, Lappeenranta, Finland
With customers in over 160 countries, Miradore helps companies of all sizes to manage their IT needs in the most efficient and cost effective way possible. We work together to discover the very best IT Device Management option for you, whether that means 100% free Mobile Device Management (MDM) or an enterprise level IT systems management solution. We take pride in our excellent cost quality ratio...
Suomi, Joensuu
Founded in 1992 as a subsidiary of Karjalan-Kone Hydro Oy , D-Hydro Oy has developed a first-class quality range of hydraulic hose assembly machines. Over the years the company set up a world wide network of distributors as well as official maintenance and service points. This genuine partnership enables direct contact between D-Hydro Oy and its clients. Its aim is to provide a complete range of...
Suomi, Helsinki
...Our company is located in Tallinn - very beautiful and friendly city on the shore of the Baltic Sea, capital of Estonia. We manufacture and sell the test equipment for Common Rail, UIS/PLD, HEUI, XPI and all other modern diesel injection systems. Today we sell our products to 75 countries on all continents. Welcome! Stardex - your reliable assistant and partner in the world of most modern diesel injection technologies.
... individual cargo. Professionally skilled staff of our company with extensive experience in all fields of logistics services develops fast and reliable logistics solutions for delivery, processing and clearance of any consignment.The main activity of our company is handling and warehousing of transit cargo moving to Russia through Finland. FMC Logistics offers processing and storage of goods in...
Suomi, Kempele
... use and optimized for industrial production processes. Our solutions can replace traditional marking methods, e.g. inkjets, with very short payback period. We are a fast-growing international company, with a head office and production in Kempele, Finland, and deliveries made to almost 20 different countries to market leaders in metal and cable industries. ...
Suomi, Hamina
...Our company Cleamar Oy established in 1993 and is currently one of the oldest transportation and logistics company in the southern region of Finland, near the port of Hamina, 40 km from the border with Russia. We have proven themselves as reliable and stable partner in the field of warehousing and transportation services. Our partners for such a long period of time, many of Russia's and European companies.
Suomi, Espoo
...XPro is an independent, privately owned limited company, specialized in Tetra, telecom and custom protocol monitoring and analysis. Our analyzer software decodes Tetra Air Interface, Tetra TEDS, Inter System Interface (ISI), Supplementary Services (SS), and other Tetra related, open standard and custom protocols. The company's core product is the Argos Universal Protocol Analyzer software, which...
Suomi, Espoo
KeepLoop is a technology company that focuses on the development of opto-electronic products for mobile phones and other mobile devices. Our first product is an easy to use microscope that attaches to the mobile camera lens with a magnet. It is based on next-generation lens technology, compact structure and customizable additional features.
Suomi, Lahti
Suomalainen osakeyhtiö arcDIMoy on perustettu ja toiminut vuodesta 2006 lähtien. Yrityksen omistajat ovat yksityishenkilöitä ja heidän intressipiirissään olevia suomalaisia osakeyhtiöitä. Yhtiön toimitusjohtaja on arkkitehti SAFA (FISE422) Seppo Lappalainen. Yritys on kiinteistökehittämisen ja -liiketoiminnan palveluyritys, jonka henkilöstöllä on yli 30 v:n kokemus vaativien ja laajojen kiinteistö...
Suomi, Helsinki
...Pyrimme tarjoamaan sinulle todellisia ihmisiä onnistuneeseen Instagram, Facebook ja kaikkiin SMM-markkinointiin. Ota yhteyttä, jos sinulla on kysyttävää. VipLikes Company 5 vuoden kokemus markkinoilla ja 100000 … tyytyväisiä asiakkaita...
In Finnish culture, the work ethic is based on honesty and fairness. BANG & BONSOMER GROUP AB, the operations are guided by ethics, social responsibility and BANG & BONSOMER GROUP AB values that have held their ground for more than 60 years. High quality and respect for the customer are BANG & BONSOMER GROUP AB's core business principles. BANG & BONSOMER GROUP AB duly reports its financial respons...
Suomi, Saimaanharju
... time and gets better with age, thus preserving the value of the house.Our log homes are exported around the world, from Asia to Europe.40 years experience, The company's roots stem from Nuijamaa situated in east Finland, where Yrjö Kuikko founded the initial saw and planing mill. The first log house was built in 1969. After 6 years of Kuikko's tutorage, his son-in-law Paul Botham founded Oy Preloc Ltd in 2000. At the same time the company expanded into export. Yrjö Kuikko was also a founding member of the new company.Around 60% of production goes to export.
Suomi, Hämeenlinna
We are an international transportation and freight forwarding company providing air, sea and road transport for all types of commodities. Our company can organise container transport as well as part and full cargo loads. We offer door to door logistics, customs clearance of cargos, distribution of goods, logistics outsourcing and storage services. Our clients range from small and medium to large international companies and are from all industrial sectors. We can guarantee you a fast and reliable transport service for all your goods.
Suomi, Forssa
... and is considered a manufacturer of highly energy efficient systems. The company is owned by a team who are specialists in Industrial engineering, marketing, production and R&D. Flexibility and innovation is a passion for Aste.The company philosophy is to understand the customer’s needs and offer the tailor-made solution that fits each individual customer. We have a strong R&D and a flexible manufacturing facility that allows us to respond to each customer’s needs quickly and effectively. At Aste, we always love the challenges.Main sales segments are: HORECA, beverages, food industry,...

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