Ukraina, Zhydachiv
...We offer for needs of our customers, paper tubes of spiral winding of its own production. The products are being manufactured by qualified employees on modern high-tech european equipment. The manufacturing process of paper tubes and raw materials used in the process, do not harm the environment. Paper tubes are used in the textile, printing, food, chemical and metallurgical industry in the...
Portfolio (19)
Suomi, Helsinki
... order to keep track on the quality of the outcome product as also to support the local farming businesses, to create more jobs for locals in order to ensure the sustainable development of the local society as well as our business. Our Macadamia product and production chain has been validated by the hygiene qualification with strict compliance with the food safety regulations and standards. The Land of Phan Rang is guaranteed source supplier for highly qualified Macadamia Farming product from Vietnam to the Our International Partner around the world.
Suomi, Lappeenranta
A specialist in speech technologies, Vitim Oy is a European software company and a leading developer of biometric solutions. Vitim Oy works with products and solutions which are global technological leaders in a number of the fastest growing voice-based technology sectors.We offer a broad spectrum of qualified software, equipment and technologies in the field of:Biometric (voice, fingerprint, image, iris) identificationForensic audio examination and analysisAutomatic Speech RecognitionAutomatic Text-to-Speech systemsAutomatic transcription systemsVoice and video recordingNoise cancellation...
Suomi, Helsinki
Tronix Group is an international distributor of cellphones, smartphones, consumer electronics and accessories, based in Helsinki, Finland. Deliver products to our corporate clients around the world. Partner we are ideal for mobile network operators, the Official Distributors Manufacturers and Traders (including e-tailers), thanks to our force sales multinational highly qualified. deep knowledge of the markets leading the world, including Central and East, Russia, USA, Hong Kong, China, Europe, UAE and South Africa provides an opportunity unique to our customers.
Turkki, Denizli
... korkealaatuisille tekstiileille alusvaatteisiin ja päällysvaatteisiin vuodesta 2006.","Since the company worked with big customers around the world, it has aimed to be a leading firm due to the qualified service and efficiency of manufacturing.":"Koska yritys on työskennellyt suurten asiakkaiden kanssa ympäri maailmaa, se on pyrkinyt olemaan johtava yritys laadukkaan palvelun ja valmistuksen...
Ranska, La Ferté-Sur-Chiers
... PIF which is validated by a qualified expert in toxicology. ERTC carries out for you the notification on the electronic portal CPNP, for every cosmetic placed on the european market. ERTC is, at your request, the responsible person for your cosmetic products.
Qualified Audit Partners kehittää palveluja hallinnan ja auditoinnin alalla, hyödyntäen kokemusta, joka on saatu rahoitus- ja palvelusektoreilta. QAP tarjoaa ammatillisia palveluja auditoinnissa, ohjauksessa ja koulutuksessa. Kaikki nämä palvelut liittyvät sen ydinosaamisalueisiin: hallinta, tietotekniikka ja liiketoimintaprosessit.
Belgia, Beaufays
...Dame DECO on your online store for unique decorative objects and accessories for the whole house: design accessories, lighting, table art, culinary art, and children's decor. Design accessories that stand out for their functional, quirky, and colorful aspects. Chic products for a stunning effect! Dame DECO also offers home decor advice services provided by Julie Schumacher, a qualified interior...
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta, Guildford
... voivat tarjota sinulle räätälöityjä SharePoint-ratkaisuja liiketoimintatarpeisiisi.","•Bespoke SharePoint Intranet Solutions":"•Räätälöidyt SharePoint Intranet -ratkaisut","•Business Intelligence":"•Liiketoimintatiedon hallinta","Our qualified SQL and Power BI consultants can help you to establish a single source of truth for your data by presenting you bespoke business intelligence solutions...
Portfolio (3)
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta, Croydon
Huoleton hammashoito ja esteettiset hammaspalvelut Ma reputation for gentle dentistry has allowed us over 30 years to build a friendly and welcoming environment to see patients who we aim to treat like members of the family. Whether you are in Croydon, Bromley or nearby areas like Sutton, call Gentle Dental Care to schedule a consultation. Our team of highly qualified healthcare professionals are here to ensure a relaxing and comfortable dental experience for you and your family.
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta, Birmingham
Olemme Chartered Tax Adviser - ja Qualified Accountants -käytännössä Birminghamissa lähellä kaupungin keskustaa. Ammattitaitoinen tiimimme verotuksen asiantuntijoita tarjoaa kattavan valikoiman veropalveluja yksityishenkilöille ja pienille yrityksille. Tarjoamme sinulle verotuksen asiantuntijan, joka voi neuvoa sinua kirjanpidon ja verotuksen vaatimuksissa, joita sinä ja yrityksesi tarvitsette, löytää keinoja vähentää kokonaisverovelvoitteitasi ja valmistaa sinut mahdollisiin taloudellisiin olosuhteisiin.
Di Renzo Regulatory Affairsin valvontayksikkö koostuu lähes 20 henkilöstä (neljä QPPV - Lääkkeiden turvallisuuden valvonnasta vastuussa olevaa henkilöä), kaksi lääkäriä, yksi kemisti, kaksi apteekkaria, kolme CTF-tutkintoa suorittanutta, kaksi lääketieteellistä bioteknologiaa, kaksi IT-asiantuntijaa, yksi bioinsinööri, yksi kielitieteiden maisteri ja muita hallintohenkilöitä.
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta, Hemel Hempstead
Puutarhapalvelut, Maatalouden palvelutoiminta...
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta, Walton-On-Thames
Sähkölaitteet ja Sähkösopimukset, Sähkölankojen ja varusteiden asennus...
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